“History, it is said, was written by the victorious… the winners. But history is really a patchwork of stories about ordinary people whose daily lives and legacies have become the fabric of our world.” 

Nicole Christian, History and Social Sciences Educator

We passionately believe that

family history, personal stories, and unique legacies are worth recording and sharing.

You’re here because, like us,

you want to honour the love, work and contributions someone special to you has made

to their family, their community and their world.

We know it’s not easy to collect and weave stories together.

So that’s where we come in.

We are here to help you craft an historic patchwork quilt.

Respectfully, creatively, and with love.

Aleks Krotoski, author, broadcaster, journalist and social psychologist

“Stories are memory aids, instruction manuals and moral compasses…”

Steve Saint

“Your story is the greatest legacy that you will leave to your friends. It’s the longest-lasting legacy you will leave to your heirs.”