Our Projects


Ithaca War Memorial 1922 unveiling SLQ image


Breathing life into the names of the fallen…

2022 marks the Centenary of the unveiling of the Ithaca War Memorial in Paddington, Brisbane. Snapshot Storytelling, in conjunction with Kieran McCarthy, Local Councillor for Paddington, Peter Matic, and State Member for Cooper, Jonty Bush, is discovering and sharing the stories about these local soldiers with their community.

One by one the soldiers are being remembered and introduced to our community to ensure that their histories are told and remembered for future generations.

Click on the button below to see the video that was shown at the Ithaca Presbyterian Church on ANZAC Day 2022.

  • Paddington Then and Now

    Kerry and Caylie are Paddington locals who are passionate about history and community. They work closely with past and present residents, Brisbane historians and lovers of inner-city Brisbane to discover and publish photographs and stories of times gone by. They use social media and this website to share meaningful memories through community collaboration. Their online presence provides a platform for storytelling, for people to reminisce about the places and people they remember from Paddington, Bardon, Red Hill, Rainworth, Petrie Terrace, and Milton, Brisbane.

  • Under The Lino

    Truth is better than fiction…

    When Caylie and David Jeffery renovated the worst house on the busiest street in Brisbane, they had no idea what treasures they would find secreted inside. The intriguing discovery of 1950s documents and money hidden under 60 years of old linoleum had Caylie turning to social media for help.

    Who were Arthur and Eleanor Webster? Why were they hiding so much money? Who was Muriel White? Why were her documents hidden at someone else's address?

  • The Forgotten Album

    In Oakey Qld, 1941, eight friends signed up to go to war. Oh the places they went, the adventures they had, the stories they should have told, but didn’t get to.

    Eighty years later, an album was found in a deceased estate in Moorooka. It found its way into the hands of Kerry and Caylie, who have started embarking on an adventure of their own… to find the families of the Oakey Eight. To discover the truth behind the Forgotten Album.

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